Salon: A short comedic play about ghosts, cold-read by Dominic Rains and Jordan Rawlins.
Greg Machlin is the author of Keith Haring: Pieces of a Life, a sci-fi biographical play authorized by the estate of Haring; it's receiving two workshop productions in L.A. later in July (Studio Stage) and early August (Young Actors Studio in North Hollywood). With David Butler, he created the comedy webseries WRNG in Studio City about reporters forced to make up fake news; season 1 is currently available to view on youtube. He received his MFA in playwriting from the University of Iowa. Recent productions include "Family Portrait," a Heideman Finalist at the Actors' Theatre of Louisville (2008), and 7 Days: A Fantasia on the Life of Miles Davis. He co-founded Company of Strangers with Joe Luis Cedillo, lives in North Hollywood, and would like to thank Zury for everything.